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Élisabeth Arrighi Leseur (16 October 1866 – 3 May 1914), born Pauline Élisabeth Arrighi, was a French mystic best known for her spiritual diary and the conversion of her husband, Félix Leseur (1861–1950), a medical doctor and well known leader of the French anti-clerical, atheistic movement.

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A true spiritual sister of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Elisabeth Leseur discovered and practiced her own ‘Little Way’ — a form of sacrificial love and asceticism uniquely suited to the .

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Élisabeth Arrighi Leseur (16 October – 3 May ), born Pauline Élisabeth Arrighi, was a French mystic best known for her spiritual diary and the conversion of her husband, Félix Leseur (–), a medical doctor and well known leader of the French anti-clerical, atheistic movement.